On Monday, October 24, EACC Cincinnati hosted an online meeting of the EACC network Board Presidents and Executive Directors. This was the first time we had met formally as a group since Cincinnati last hosted a similar in-person event in May 2018. In addition to renewing acquaintances and welcoming some new faces (note that since 2018 we’ve added chapters in the Netherlands, Florida and Texas, as well as welcoming a new Executive Director at the Carolinas chapter), each chapter highlighted a meaningful success from the past year as well as a challenge they will address in the year to come.
The primary purpose of the event was to begin preparations for the next ‘all-chapter’ event we intend to host in 2023. Bringing the leadership of our chapters together is vital to strengthening our network as we share ideas, best practices and, most importantly, the energy and enthusiasm of our members. Since 2018 we’ve made great progress in adding value for our members across the network, but we know there is much more we can do. In addition, we identified strengthening and growing our existing chapters as a priority as well as accelerating our efforts to grow the network.
A reminder for members of the Cincinnati chapter – if you would like to connect with the EACC chapter in the Netherlands, Texas, Carolinas, Lyon, Paris, Florida, or New York, please let me know and I can make that connection for you!