Government AmbassadorGovernment & Not-for-ProfitUSA
About Us
Representing Foreign Trade Zones 46 and 47, in Southwest Ohio and Northern Kentucky respectively, Greater Cincinnati Foreign Trade Zone, Inc. provides resources businesses need to take full advantage of the Foreign Trade Zone program. FTZ is a business operations focused federal program designed to help regional businesses compete in the global marketplace through the elimination, deferral or reduction of customs duties on imported and exported/re-exported merchandise. An FTZ is a site that is legally considered outside of the United States for the U.S. Customs purpose of duties; goods may be brought into the site duty free and without formal Customs entry. Greater Cincinnati Foreign Trade Zone, Inc. is program grantee, and the Port of Greater Cincinnati Development Authority is program manager. The FTZ program supports the greater regional economic development partnership. To help companies understand if they would benefit, www.gcftz.com includes a savings estimation tool. Contact for information: Melissa Johnson, (513) 621-3000.